Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008
Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008
Guerilla Tennis art
‘Park, Set and Match’ is an incredibly creative, disruptive live art piece by Jorge Mañes. The guerrilla art installation is essentially an abuse of London’s supermarket parking garages (read: hell on earth) which he paints to turn into tennis courts, then holds real matches on them!
These privately owned properties are monitored by CCTV cameras and security guards; however, to legally occupy a parking space for two hours, you have to make some type of purchase (you could always stick to chewing gum.) Once your purchase is made, you can then set up your tennis match which will be automatically ‘televised’ by CCTV cameras. Really want to aggravate the security guards? Demand a copy of the tape: it is illegal for them not to give you one under h the creative commons act.
The Hoff is personalizing

Looking for a unique gift idea?
The Universal Posters website is offering you the opportunity to decide what David Hasselhoff will say on the autographed photo poster you order.
What message would your friend or family member most like to get from The Hoff, posing as a sexy bare-chested surfing Santa, or a suave, cigar-smoking convertible driver in a pinstriped suit?
This is a very random video called “J1zz In My Pants” that is spreading the internet like wildfire. It has had 2 million views in as many days, so is going to be huge. The video above shows the strange music video with ridiculous lyrics about men getting aroused too easily. The clip involves the glorious Andy Samberg but clearly had a less than small budget behind it, yet Justin Timberlake makes a brilliant cameo.
Not many details have been revealed yet, but I can tell you the song is the first single off Incredibad, the upcoming CD from Andy Samberg’s comedy posse, the Lonely Island.
Mittwoch, 10. Dezember 2008
Fanta High Frequency advertising
Fanta’s new mobile app, Stealth Sound System, uses a surefire way to target a specific market. The app is meant as a way for teens to communicate on their cell phones without adults hearing them, and the Stealth Sound System features high-pitched sound frequencies that are inaudible to most people over 20.
Fanta’s Stealth Sound System is based on a controversial technology known colloquially as Mosquito Teen Repellent, which was developed by Howard Stapleton a few years ago to deter teens from loitering outside London shops.
Within Stealth Sound System, individual frequencies are tagged to represent phrases, essentially creating a new language only teens can hear and understand. Stealth Sound System was developed by Ogilvy Advertising.
Prinz M Pinakat, interactive marketing manager for Coca-Cola Europe, said it was vital to grow relationships with consumers via the popular mobile channel. "This new focus on providing entertaining digital content also fits perfectly with the Fanta brand vision to create more play in the world," he added. (
Prison break Ambient/ Guerilla

In order to communicate the premiere of Prison Break’s new season, cakes were sent with a tool to escape prison
Underwear ad
The campaign was created by Agency the Spillmann/Felser/Leo Burnett agency in Zurich, Switzerland.
Montag, 8. Dezember 2008
Sony Bravia Marketing
The feature is said to make viewing smoother, which will be great for sports fans. To demonstrate their claims, the giant spinning Bravia-drome displayed the illusion of Brazilian football player Kaka in action from 64 still photos.
The giant zoetrope, which measures 10 meters in diameter, broke the Guinness World Record for the largest device of its kind ever built.Samstag, 6. Dezember 2008
Freitag, 5. Dezember 2008
Whopper Virgins
urger King’s ‘Whopper Virgins’ campaign is a taste-test between BK’s Whopper and McDonald’s Big Mac. It took place amongst people living in remote villages of Thailand and Romania, as well as outposts in Greenland; people who’ve never had either of those burgers cross their lips.
Controversy over Burger King’s ‘Whopper Virgins’ taste test ad/documentary, created by ad giant Crispin, Porter and Bogusky, can be found on YouTube, blogs, and even editorials. At issue is whether the people used as ‘Whopper Virgins’ test subjects are being exploited and/or made fun of.
As it stands now, it seems the Burger King powers that be simply are looking for unbiased, pure (virgin) taste-buds, when it comes determining taste preference of their BK Whopper versus the McDonald’s Big Mac.
Test results and full-footage from the Burger King ‘Whopper Virgins’ will be released in four days, according to the Burger King ‘Whopper Virgins’ website.
See more @ Whopper-virgins
Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2008
Nerd Rap
Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008
Urban Play - movin trees

“The Moving Forest are 100 trees strapped into 100 shopping-carts lurking around in an urban environment blocking peoples way and forcing passers to act on them. According to NL’s Gen Yamamoto the idea comes from a story he heard as a child about a forest where the trees move at night so that people would loose there way and could never get out. This story has been haunting him ever since. In his mind he could imagine people adopting a tree e.g. homeless could start to take one on their journey through the city. The trees would pop up unexpectedly in small side streets or dark corners or be pushed over a big public square. They would group in smaller groups or be sparkled over the town.”
Dienstag, 2. Dezember 2008
Vagina HERO

The next phase of g.-Hero will be launched soon... Vagina Hero. show your skills on the clit. What will be next? Cock Hero? seen @ trendhunter
Sonntag, 30. November 2008
DIGITALISM @ Watergate

And again they are back. still with their first album on tour in berlin again.
05.12.2008 Watergate
Iphone touchgrind
Renault - Naughty Ads

Brazilian advertising agency Exclam Comunicao created a highly controversial print ad for Renault Logan in an effort to stress how roomy and spacious the car is. The tag line for the ad reads, “Isn’t it awful when things get crowded together? Renault Logan, the roomiest car in its category.”
To prove their point, the agency created three web addresses that are supposed to be deceiving because they are crowded together, unlike the roomy Renault.
The sexually-charged web addresses are:, which is supposed to say, “Pen Island;”, which is supposed to read “Power, Gen Italia” and, which is supposed to be read as “Kids Exchange.”
This is some messed up print campaign. but EFFECTIVE seen @trendhunter
Jet Pack Canyon crossing
Autistic Artist - Amazing
Mittwoch, 26. November 2008
Volvo Ocean race
great video from the Volvo Ocean race makes you wanna go out there too.
New Smirnoff Viral
after last years success viral campaign they try to top it with this brand new viral video
Dienstag, 25. November 2008
HDTV Christmas tree

Sharp has unveiled a 26-foot-tall Christmas tree made of 43 Aquos LCD TVs, at NY central station. passerby's can win the tv's. seen@ trendhunter
Nokia & Bruce Lee
Check out this New Nokia Ad for Asia. bruce lee is my homeboy.
Freitag, 21. November 2008
Burger King Wallet Guerrilla

"Burger King’s latest guerrilla marketing campaign involves a cash-stuffed wallet that is meant to reward Good Samaritans. Agents were sent out in Chicago and Orlando to intentionally drop their wallets in a public place.
Inevitably, these wallets are picked up by a stranger. Upon opening the wallet, they see a note from Burger King that says, “Don’t worry about lost & found. The King wants you to keep this wallet and everything in it.”
The Burger King wallets contain real cash in amounts that range from $1-$100, a Burger King gift card, a map of area Burger King fast food restaurants, and a mock driver’s license that features the King." from trendhunter

"German designer Michael Schoner has ingeniously designed a bench that plays music from mobile phones via Bluetooth. NL architects have converted an ordinary piece of street furniture into a superb sound system. The Boom bench comes equipped with 60-watt co-axial speakers and two subwoofers, which the passers-by can access with their Bluetooth enabled phones. Once you connect your player to the amplifier, you are the next DJ. The integrated Bass Shaker in the seat converts the sounds into vibrations that add to the magic of your tunes. So, you don’t need to carry your own ghetto blasters. With the Boom Bench, the furniture becomes ghetto blaster and passer-by becomes DJ." seen@bornrich
Donnerstag, 20. November 2008
Bisexual Dating Show - IKKI Twins

"After Tila Tequila: here come the Ikki Twins! MTV welcomes the self-proclaimed ‘world’s hottest twins’ in their new reality show ‘A Double Shot at Love.’
The show is a spin-off of the ever popular ‘Shot at Love’ with Tila Tequila and presents two bisexual twins (The Ikki girls) who are looking to find love. A group of women and a group of men will compete for each twin’s love. The Twins, Rikki and Vikki have come a long way from their Hooter’s days and thank Hugh Hefner and Playboy for their newfound fame.
Catch these bisexual beauties on ‘A Double Shot at Love’ on MTV, premiering December 9th at 10pm. Enjoy!" from trendhunter
Justice - Unplugged?

Do you find the mistake?? Justice Synthi ( the silver mix thingy) is unplugged on their concert in Manchester. are they really doin the Playback thing here? so not cool...
Irish anti Racing Campaign
this rough and adrenaline pushing tv spot is really tough. maybe the only way to get the attention..
COKE & Santa Claus 2008
this years Coke & Santa Claus TV AD. i want PRESENTS!
IRAQ Guerilla
Die Iraq Veterans Against War haben eine Tankstelle mit 4200 Plastiksoldaten und einen recht ungewöhnlichen Benzinpreis versehen.
Monthy Phython - Youtube Channel
Monthy Phython is now starting his/their own youtube channel. thats why:
"For 3 years you YouTubers have been ripping us off, taking tens of thousands of our videos and putting them on YouTube. Now the tables are turned. It’s time for us to take matters into our own hands. We know who you are, we know where you live and we could come after you in ways too horrible to tell. But being the extraordinarily nice chaps we are, we’ve figured a better way to get our own back: We’ve launched our own Monty Python channel on YouTube. No more of those crap quality videos you’ve been posting. We’re giving you the real thing - HQ videos delivered straight from our vault. What’s more, we’re taking our most viewed clips and uploading brand new HQ versions. And what’s even more, we’re letting you see absolutely everything for free. So there! But we want something in return. None of your driveling, mindless comments. Instead, we want you to click on the links, buy our movies & TV shows and soften our pain and disgust at being ripped off all these years."
Microsoft ZUNE
Commercial that isn't a commercial for ZUNE. Microsoft did not suopport this video!
Mittwoch, 19. November 2008
Dienstag, 18. November 2008
Recessison Rebranding aims to shoo the evil word ‘recession’ away, rename it to ‘Recess is On,’ and continue on with life. aims to rid us of our materialistic ways and look back to a time where the amount of cash in our bank account wasn’t directly correlated with the level of happiness we felt. While this view is a bit too Pollyanna for those who are accustomed to fine living, this return to true happiness is refreshing.
Seen@trendhunterImprov Everywhere Strangers
For their latest mission, 20 Improv Everywhere agents personally welcomed home total strangers at JFK airport. Grabbing first and last names from car driver signs, they greeted strangers with personalized posters, flowers, balloons, and a 10-foot wide banner reading, “Welcome Back.”
This video was made for the In An Absolut World website. they were asked to come up with our vision of An Absolut World.