Freitag, 31. Oktober 2008
Guerrilla TV ADS
"This TV spot, by ‘Music is Life,’ in collaboration with Red Cross, and the radio station Studio Brussel is a new attempt on guerrilla advertising.
For one week, Belgian viewers saw a little boy racing in on big TV shows like the news, various talk shows with prominent guests and even the Sport. He ran straight for the glass of water at the side of the table in the studio and drank like he hadn’t drank for weeks, then ran off before anyone could say a word."
seen@ trendhunter
Amnesty International Ad
its sooo good. unlike the other serious ad this one shows the crazy leaders of the world. good work!

The Nike SB Dunk High “Quagmire” is rumored to be inspired from the sex-crazed bachelor Glenn Quagmire, from the cartoon series Family Guy.lovin it. seen@nicekicks
Brille Brille Showreel
Brille Brille Showreel 2008. i really like the powerrangers-unicorn part.
Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008
Celebrity Endorsement - VOTE!
just imagine what this spot would have cost the producers for the testimonial endorsement..
Yo Mp3 Player Dock

YO is a portable MP3 player dock with removable speakers. It is fitted with rechargeable lithium ion batteries that can either be charged through power supply or simply by wind or solar energy. Removable rods mounted at the top provide an easy handling. seen@ tuvie
Husband burns Down Hotel to avoid Marriage

Because he hated his forthcoming Wife so much - Tatsuhiko Kawata, 39, decided to burn down the Risonare resort hotel rather than get hitched in front of 80 guests. He reportedly told police: "I thought if I set a fire I wouldn't have to go through with the wedding." seen @ skynews
Samsung Lavender

Samsung has introduced a cell phone concept that looks like a perfume bottle and even dispenses a lavender aroma. via trendhunter
Whiskas Ad
What would a cat say if it could talk. watch this new whiskas ad to know...
Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

The Figurines & Bonaparte
28.10.2008, 20 h
Studio at Admiralspalast
Friedrichsstr. 101
10117 Berlin
12-17 EUR
Sexist Cup Noodle Ad
Check out this controversial new|dirty|nasty|naughty Cup Noodles Spot.
Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2008
Check out this new Budweiser Ad encouraging people to vote for Obama.
Green Guerrilla

This environmental initiative by Adidas and Dazed Digital lets everone join the fun.
The Grun Project can be seen@ Dazed.
RYZ Wear let you design your own sneakers. They provide you with a Photoshop template in which you can design your own personalised sneakers.
Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008
Kids & Bees - Kindernothilfe
Check out these really nice artwork movie for the Kindernothilfe in Germany. Props to Fabi for the tip!
finger game.

Tuttuki Bako is the name of this finger reality game , they now play Japan. This small box has a low resolution lcd screen on the front, and a hole on the side in which you insert your finger. Your finger then appears on the screen and will do the gameplay instantly. Seen @ pixelsumo
Moncler & Men's Vogue
Moncler and Men's Vogue team together for these limited Moncler Jackets. Get your own at ebay right away. priced at minimum bid 800 $ you might get one for 1000. good luck.
bid right here: EBAY
Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2008
is this future? holographics
check out this Holograpic interface that shows how you can withdrawel your psa poda, cellphone etc. is this the future?
3D Printing

Shapeways is offering 3d Printing. upload whatever you want to produce, they estimate the costs and produce on your behalf.
im just designing the perfect woman right now.. check it out @shapeways
My Phone Knows Everything about me
Watch this new Nokia Ad. kind of frightening cause i loose my phone once a year..
Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008
Playstation Portable 2 - the Concept
seems like sony has leaked some pictures of the new PSP2. looks not too bad.
SOOOOO Cool. i really want to have it and just ride in my flat. all day. nothing else. just unicycling.
RGB - GLasses

Designer Luis Porem just developed these really nice RGB-Colour Glasses. Maybe you can get em as sunglasses too? seen @ fubiz
Vote for Hope - Video
MC Yogi just released his new track- Vote fore hope. An hommage to barack obama. not so bad. Is this the new Political Campaigning thingy?
Montag, 20. Oktober 2008
drY gUilletone: Mr. Oizo @ Maria

Mr. Oizo (Ed Banger)
Riton (Kitsune/Modular)
Housemeister (Aycb/Boys Noize)
Passions (Trouble & Bass)
Em//e (Tilt!)
Popclo (Tilt!)
As mr Oizo just released his new album i am sure he will play some of his new tunes. Seen@ UnlikeB
Samstag, 18. Oktober 2008
pee to Save Water - MTV Switch AD
Ogilvy London created this new Ad for MTV switch. it will be broadcasted in cinemas starting this autumn. me liki
Freitag, 17. Oktober 2008
Swedish group Minilogue has just published thier new video. i really like the animation artwork here.
giAnt pOo arT

american artist paul mcarthy is showing his exhibit of "complex shit" - having the size of a two-family house. the inflatable poop is exhibited in Berne at the Paul Klee centre. worth a visit? ... seen @giftdonkey
drUg vEndInG mAcHine

british artist Imbue brought Drug Vending to Brightion. after his last action Not so white, where he places erotic snowwhite images to disney shops. hes causing rumors now again. seen @ rebelart