This neckless will turn attention on your bling immediately. You should also surf through the site by chance. not the only Must-Have you will find. Buy & see it @ Magic Pony
Diesel is becoming 30 and is inviting all of us with this XXX short film invitation. get your tickets for munich asap, or entrance will not be granted. (Booka Shade, N.E.R.D, M.I.A. etc. will be playing) watch @ DIESEL
Kate Moss first art-object is for auction. Drawn with her lipstick on a napkin including blood strains of pete doherty, this masterpiece ist estimated to revenue 40.000 Pounds. Seen @ trendhunter
Teenagers are playing @ Maria im Ostbahnhof tonite. French indie Rockers dominated NYC so far. Now they arrived in germania. 22:00 MARIA am OSTBAHNHOF An der Schillingbruecke / Stralauer Platz 34-35 seen @ UnlikeBerlin
Torstrasse 166 will open doors for the first time this friday at 18:00 sharp. Temporary Exhibition Showroom is Sponsored by Hornbach. Seen @ UnlikeBerlin
For 150 Million $ you can get this "little" baby, like Andrey Melnichenko, russion billionaire himself, bought. 387 foot long. fillin it with fuel will cost you appr. 1,5 Million. Rich russian motherfuckers.. seen@ BornRich
Amsterdam: im Zuge der urban play aus 250.000 Ein-Eurocent-Münzen der Satz “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better”. Über Nacht schon wieder aufgekehrt. seen@ rebel:art
Bei der Damien Hirst Auktion in London vorgefahren. der FERRARI 456 VENICESTATION WAGON, limited-edition von PININFARINA für die royal family of the SULTANATE OF BRUNEI. nice!
In Japan, kann man nun "echte" Pikachus aus dem Pokemon Wald kaufen. da sie schwer zu fangen sind, kosten sie tierisch knete. 925 $ Mio. für einen echten pikachu...