Benutzerdefinierte Suche

Dienstag, 30. September 2008


Mandy will be spinnin upcomin weekend @ watergate. be there and enjoy!
seen @ UnlikeBerlin

skI it!

Im sooo looking forward to this...

mOusTacHe NecKleSs

This neckless will turn attention on your bling immediately.
You should also surf through the site by chance. not the only Must-Have you will find.
Buy & see it @ Magic Pony

pOP tiLl you flOp

If youre bored this might help in bad times. Get it here

Freitag, 26. September 2008

diEseL xXx

Diesel is becoming 30 and is inviting all of us with this XXX short film invitation. get your tickets for munich asap, or entrance will not be granted. (Booka Shade, N.E.R.D, M.I.A. etc. will be playing) watch @ DIESEL

mUsic tO go

for just as little as 899$ you can get the boomcooler - the ultimate outdoor entertainment system made of ordinary ice-boxes.
seen@ EliteChoice

hUmaN aIr BagS

not only good for your grandparents. I definetly could use this must-have-life-guarding-equipment.get it for 1.000$.
seen@ trendhunter

kaTe mOsS

Kate Moss first art-object is for auction. Drawn with her lipstick on a napkin including blood strains of pete doherty, this masterpiece ist estimated to revenue 40.000 Pounds. Seen @ trendhunter

wOnDer BrA Ads

Wonderbra's ad campaign. maximizing the Wonderbrar effect wonderfully.
Seen @ trendhunter

tHe tEeNaGErs

Teenagers are playing @ Maria im Ostbahnhof tonite. French indie Rockers dominated NYC so far. Now they arrived in germania.
MARIA am OSTBAHNHOF An der Schillingbruecke / Stralauer Platz 34-35
seen @ UnlikeBerlin

oPenIng TorStraßE 166

Torstrasse 166 will open doors for the first time this friday at 18:00 sharp. Temporary Exhibition Showroom is Sponsored by Hornbach. Seen @ UnlikeBerlin

sTriNG eMiL

Who doesnt know the String Emil. Vice Magazine just featured him in an interview. read & See@ VICE

Donnerstag, 25. September 2008

gIgA yAcHt

For 150 Million $ you can get this "little" baby, like Andrey Melnichenko, russion billionaire himself, bought. 387 foot long. fillin it with fuel will cost you appr. 1,5 Million. Rich russian motherfuckers.. seen@ BornRich

mOdUlaR PartY

27 September @ Scala
New Young Pony Club
Yacht – Live
Modular DJs
Maral Salmassi
Nic Jagger
Plastique De Reve

seen @ UnliKeBerlin

Mittwoch, 24. September 2008

SteFan SAgMeister: Urban pLay

Amsterdam: im Zuge der urban play aus 250.000 Ein-Eurocent-Münzen der Satz “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better”.
Über Nacht schon wieder aufgekehrt.
seen@ rebel:art

PizZa BurGeR nUgGets

For those who cant decide..
seen @ trendhunter

gAmeR beLt

these belts are made of original NES controller. must have it.
seen @ trendhunter

Dienstag, 23. September 2008

eCo IPod ChargIng

Charging your Ipod with a Jojo. Eco and Smart way to recharge it everywhere you want.

seen @ trendhunter

cHaRloTte RoChe

Charlotte Roche is reading from her Book Feuchtgebiete. Might be something for naughties..
Nikolaisaal Potsdam

Seen @ Unlikeberlin

dAniEl AsHraM

American Artist Daniel Ashram exposing @ Gallery Emmanuel Perotin / Paris
seen @ Fubiz

Sonntag, 21. September 2008

mC dONaLdS uK

New Store Designs of McDonalds UK. dont know if ronald himself meets the dresscode.
seen at trendhunter

Samstag, 20. September 2008

aDolF ScHwaRzeNegGer

Crazy Arnold. I always knew theres something wrong.

dAy BeD

i will definetly buy this one. recommendation for all my friends .. You could use it !

seen at Conflux Festival

Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

vIrGiNity to SeLl

die 20 jährige ex- Big Brother USA Kandidation verkauft ihre Jungfräulichkeit für 1 Mio. Us $. Beeilung, denn es gilt First cum first serve

bOdIes in UrBan PLAceS

Überbevölkerung mal anders. Aus Österreich von Lisa Rastl.
Seen @ fubiz


Geile neue Agentur aus Hamburg.


FasT ReLiEf- ComMerCiaL

fast relief Werbung. Sehr cool gemacht.

I've Got cOoL PoOp

Damit man auch immer weiß was los ist.

FerArri sTaTion WagOn

Bei der Damien Hirst Auktion in London vorgefahren. der FERRARI 456 VENICE STATION WAGON, limited-edition von PININFARINA für die royal family of the SULTANATE OF BRUNEI. nice!

ObAmA RicHarDsoN

Barack mit Pornstar/fotograf/ legende Terry Richardson. Way to go Obama!!

nIkE terMinAtor

Nikes neuen können alles. Rockstar Equipment vom feinsten.
zu kaufen bei:
Goodwillout in Köln



Ab Oktober in japan zu kaufen... nice

Dienstag, 16. September 2008

HiRsT AucTioN OVer EsTimAtIon

Die Damien hirst Auktion spielte satte $126,623,656 USD ein. knapp 7 Millionen mehr als erwartet. Reicher fucker.

ReAl PicAChU PoKeMon

In Japan, kann man nun "echte" Pikachus aus dem Pokemon Wald kaufen. da sie schwer zu fangen sind, kosten sie tierisch knete. 925 $ Mio. für einen echten pikachu...

Montag, 15. September 2008

KaNyE gOes WiLd

Kanye West zerstört Kameras am Flughafen. GooD WorK!

tRibUte To thE CrOcOdile HuNter

wie haben wir geweint, nachdem der legendäre Crocodile Hunter verstorben ist. Seine Tochter hat ihm nun einen Song gewidmet.. So Classy..

Freitag, 12. September 2008

bNR toNitE

Da geh ich heute abend hin. komme was wolle. wird bestimmt der BURNER.

ChUCkY GueriLLa

Zum Release Chucky’s 20th Birthday Edition DVD hat 20th Century Fox eine Horde Chucky's durch New laufen lassen. geile aktion

mIni CrOssOvEr

Ab 2009 kommt der neue Mini Crossman. 4 Wheel drive & 3 d touchscreen. zu haben ab 2009.